Shop - Aldgate Tree Farm
Nestled in the leafy Adelaide Hills, Aldgate Tree Farm is a boutique nursery specialising primarily in magnolias and ornamental trees.
Magnolia x soulangeana
Magnolia x soulangeana
There is no other tree that can match this Magnolia for the sheer profusion of flowers. A true cup and saucer Magnolia the perfumed bi-coloured flowers of pink and white are 25cm across blooming in early Spring.
This tree has an upright habit and can grow to 9m tall. At maturity it has a broad canopy making it a beautiful shade tree.
CONDITIONS: Prefers moist, organically rich well drained neutral to acid soil.
ASPECT: Full sun. Needs a reasonably protected location from strong winds and hot afternoon sun.
FEATURES: Beautiful 25cm blooms are borne on bare limbs in Spring.
CARE: After planting water in well and provide extra water through dry periods. Fertilise in Spring and Autumn for best results.