Contact Us

Don’t have time to visit us but want your trees delivered by the weekend? Just contact us with your requirements and we will select, photograph and send to you for approval prior to order.

Alternatively you can get in touch with us via any of the below methods.

0405 900050

18 Strathalbyn Road, Aldgate, SA 5154

18 Strathalbyn Road
Aldgate, SA, 5154


Located in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, in the village of Aldgate. We specialise in ornamental and fruit trees.

Shop - Aldgate Tree Farm

Nestled in the leafy Adelaide Hills, Aldgate Tree Farm is a boutique nursery specialising primarily in magnolias and ornamental trees.

Magnolia grandiflora Teddy Bear

Magnolia Teddy Bear in flower
Magnolia Teddy Bear Advanced
Magnolia Teddy Bear in flower
Magnolia Teddy Bear Advanced

Magnolia grandiflora Teddy Bear

from A$110.00

Magnolia Teddy Bear is a smaller growing shapely evergreen tree with superb dark green and under-leaf contrasting bronze foliage.

As a relatively new hybrid Magnolia, the Teddy Bear provides for a consistent formed formal look with rounder leaves and with lemon scented flowers of 15-20cm from late spring through summer.

Teddy Bear Magnolia is ideal for pots providing a stunning contemporary yet formal look for courtyards, doorways and poolside plantings.

Alternatively this Teddy Bear Magnolia can be used in border or screen plantings providing dense foliage for privacy and noise reduction.

This compact tree will grow to 4-5m tall when planted in ground. Size can be contained when planted in pots.


We stand by the quality of our trees. If you order this tree online and are not completely happy on delivery. We will refund the cost of the trees [less delivery].

Height/Pot Size:
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CONDITIONS: Prefers moist, organically rich well drained neutral to acid soil.

ASPECT: Full sun to part shade.  Needs a reasonably protected location from strong winds and hot afternoon sun.

FEATURES:  Beautiful fragrant white 15-20cm flowers from spring through summer..  

CARE: After planting water in well and provide extra water through dry periods.   Fertilise in Spring and Autumn for best results.